Adolescent lumbar disc herniation(ALDH) is clinically rare. Factors such as dysplasia, genetic factors, trauma, spinal sagittal aligment have been suspected as the pathogenesis of ALDH. The clinical features of ALDH are different from adult lumbar disc herniation: typical physical signs with minor complaints, higher proportion of lumbar deformities. ALDH usually involves one segment, presenting central type, and the herniated disc is larger with bone structure.Conservative treatment is suggested for ALDH patients without severe nerve injury. Operative procedures includes non-fusion intervertebral disc resection, lumbar fusion and percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy, different procedure would be selected according to the type of herniated disc.青少年腰椎间盘突出症(ALDH)是引起青少年腰腿痛的主要病因。发生ALDH的主要原因包括发育异常、遗传因素、外伤、脊柱矢状面状态等。ALDH与成人腰椎间盘突出症的临床特点有一定的区别,早期诊断对ALDH患者十分重要。对于不伴严重神经损伤的ALDH患者建议先行保守治疗,保守治疗无效后可考虑行手术治疗。手术方式应根据椎间盘突出的类型合理选择。.