Immunohistochemistry (IHC) plays a key role in the diagnosis of metaplastic breast carcinomas (MBCs), particularly the spindle cell variant. The most efficient immunopanel has yet to be developed. We studied the immunoprofile of 45 MBCs including 23 matrix-producing MBCs, 11 squamous cell carcinomas, 6 spindle cell carcinomas, and 5 mixed-subtypes (2 cases including spindle cell components). Representative sections from mastectomy or core biopsy specimens were subject to IHC using a list of antibodies including OSCAR, a recently developed antibody against pooled cytokeratins. The staining was interpreted as positive when >1% of tumor cells demonstrated unequivocal staining. As a result, OSCAR showed similar sensitivity to AE1/AE3 and CAM 5.2 (89.1% vs. 89.4% vs. 89.4%) for MBCs, but the former showed more diffuse pattern of staining, particularly in spindle cell carcinomas. High molecular weight cytokeratin CK14, CK5, and CK17 were positive in 91.3%, 87.2%, and 73.3% of MBCs, respectively. CK7 was much less likely to be positive in spindle cell carcinomas (37.5%) than in other variants of MBCs (97.4%). P63 and CK14 were the most useful markers for spindle cell carcinomas, positive in 87.5% and 85.7% of cases, respectively. GATA 3 was positive in 63% MBCs, and nonspecific staining for vimentin and smooth muscle actin were common. Random combination of up to 3 antibodies against keratins including p63 showed sensitivities ranging from 80.9% to 97.9%. Our results suggested the combination of OSCAR, CK14 and p63 is the most efficient panel (sensitivity 97.9%) for diagnosing MBCs.