Dong-Wook Oh,Jang Min Park,Kong Hoon Lee,Erich Zakarian,Jung-Ho Lee
Summary Pipeline embedment into the seabed is a key consideration for offshore oil and gas developments with high-temperature fluids. To date, the mechanism of steady-state heat transfer from partially and fully buried pipes has been modeled predominantly through analytical and numerical approaches. The current study focuses on making detailed measurements of heat-transfer characteristics. A laboratory-scale experimental apparatus imitating a subsea pipeline partially or fully buried into the seabed is created. Hot flow of hydrocarbons inside oil and gas offshore pipelines and the cold external flow of seawaters are simulated by means of 70°C and 5°C water flows from two separate water tanks, respectively. The experiments are carried out for seven different burial depths representing a range of various burial configurations, from fully exposed to fully buried pipes. The temperatures measured on the external surface of the pipe are analyzed, and the overall heat-transfer coefficient of the pipe is calculated. The effect of burial depth on the overall heat-transfer coefficient is compared with analytical formulae.