This paper addresses the cooperative adaptive consensus tracking for a group of multiple nonholonomic mobile robots, where the nonholonomic robot model is assumed to be a canonical vehicle having two actuated wheels and one passive wheel. By integrating a kinematic controller and a torque controller for the nonholonomic robotic system, a cooperative adaptive consensus tracking strategy is developed for the uncertain dynamic models using Lyapunov-like analysis in combination with backstepping approach and sliding mode technique. A key feature of the developed adaptive consensus tracking algorithm is the introduction of a directed network topology into the control constraints based on algebraic graph theory to characterise the communication interaction among robots, which plays an important role in realising the cooperative consensus tracking with respect to a specific common reference trajectory. Furthermore, a novel framework is proposed for developing a unified methodology for the convergence analysis of the closed-loop control systems, which can fully ensure the desired adaptive consensus tracking for multiple nonholonomic mobile robots. Subsequently, illustrative examples and numerical simulations are provided to demonstrate and visualise the theoretical results.