Abstract The thioborates M3B3S6 (M = Na1,2, K1,2, Rb) and LiSrB3S6 were prepared from stoichiometric amounts of the metal sulfides, boron and sulfur. The crystal data for the isotypic M3B3S6, (M = Na, K, Rb) compounds are: space group R3c; a = 15.118(1), 15.520(5), 15.813(4) Å; c = 7.512(1), 8.424(3), 8.804(1) Å (hexagonal). The crystal data for the first quarternary thioborate LiSrB3S6 are: space group Cc; a = 14.933(6), b = 8.703(4), c = 7.866(3) Å, β = 116.76(3)°. All four metathioborates contain isolated B3S2 3- anions which form B3S3 rings with three exocyclic sulfur atoms.