Study of Burn‐In Loss in Green Solvent‐Processed Ternary Blended Organic Photovoltaics Derived from UV‐Crosslinkable Semiconducting Polymers and Nonfullerene Acceptors
Abstract This work deals with the investigation of burn‐in loss in ternary blended organic photovoltaics (OPVs) prepared from a UV‐crosslinkable semiconducting polymer (P2FBTT‐Br) and a nonfullerene acceptor (IEICO‐4F) via a green solvent process. The synthesized P2FBTT‐Br can be crosslinked by UV irradiation for 150 s and dissolved in 2‐methylanisole due to its asymmetric structure. In OPV performance and burn‐in loss tests performed at 75 °C or AM 1.5G Sun illumination for 90 h, UV‐crosslinked devices with PC 71 BM show 9.2% power conversion efficiency (PCE) and better stability against burn‐in loss than pristine devices. The frozen morphology resulting from the crosslinking prevents lateral crystallization and aggregation related to morphological degradation. When IEICO‐4F is introduced in place of a fullerene‐based acceptor, the burn‐in loss due to thermal aging and light soaking is dramatically suppressed because of the frozen morphology and high miscibility of the nonfullerene acceptor (18.7% → 90.8% after 90 h at 75 °C and 37.9% → 77.5% after 90 h at AM 1.5G). The resulting crosslinked device shows 9.4% PCE (9.8% in chlorobenzene), which is the highest value reported to date for crosslinked active materials, in the first green processing approach.