Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is a scientific and technological field that focuses on the research and development of systems that simulate, extend, and expand human intelligence activities. This field encompasses various applications such as image recognition, language processing, expert systems, and robotics. The advancement of AI has greatly improved the quality and efficiency of medical work, particularly in areas like medical imaging, clinical decision support, precision medicine, and healthcare management. These advancements have contributed to the establishment of more effective healthcare systems.Within the realm of AI in healthcare, the application of AI technology in oral and maxillofacial surgery continues to evolve, with scenarios such as assisting in the interpretation and analysis of dental medical images, predicting and diagnosing early oral and maxillofacial tumors, aiding in minimally invasive surgery, designing ideal and personalized surgical plans, and simplifying medical management tasks. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons, as well as radiologists, should embrace and utilize these emerging technologies, actively adapting to environmental changes and updates, and driving forward the development of the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery.In summary, the integration of AI into oral and maxillofacial surgery presents significant opportunities for advancing patient care, surgical efficiency, and medical research in this specialized area of medicine. This technological partnership has the potential to reshape the landscape of oral and maxillofacial healthcare, benefiting both practitioners and patients.