Determining the binding capacity of concrete to chloride ions has always been the focus of the durability study of reinforced concrete structures. In many cases, concrete interior is in the electric field environment, such as railway track affected by stray current, component under electrical chloride removal (ECR), and concrete in corrosion electric field. However, the influence of electric field intensity on the chloride binding ability of concrete has not been determined clearly and quantitatively. In this paper, an experimental study is conducted to investigate the evolution of chloride binding capacity under various electrical current densities. The results indicate that the binding capacity of concrete is degraded by the electrical field, and the amount of physical adsorption for chloride is far less than the that of chemical binding. Based on experimental data, the modified Langmuir isotherm is given, and the evolution of key coefficients is measured quantitatively. The research findings are of great significance to the accurate evaluation of subsequent transmission of chloride ions after the initiation of steel corrosion and corrosion protection effect by ECR technique.