Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has been successfully utilized for the rapid identification of green, black and Oolong tea. The spectral features of each tea category are reasonably differentiated in the NIR region, and the spectral differences provided enough qualitative spectral information for the identification of tea. Support vector machine (SVM) as the pattern recognition was applied to identify three tea categories in this study. The top five principal components (PCs) were extracted as the input of SVM classifiers by principal component analysis (PCA). The RBF SVM classifiers and the polynomial SVM classifiers were studied comparatively in this experiment. The best experimental results were obtained using the radial basis function (RBF) SVM classifier with σ = 0.5. The accuracies of identification were all more than 90% for three tea categories. Finally, compared with the back propagation artificial neural network (BP-ANN) approach, SVM algorithm showed its excellent generalization for identification results. The overall results show that NIR spectroscopy combined with SVM can be efficiently utilized for rapid and simple identification of the tea categories.