Regeneration of combined severe periodontal defects and vertical ridge defects using recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor-BB: A case series.
Dental implants are a reliable treatment option for restoring missing teeth, but adequate bone quantity and quality are crucial for success. This case series presents four cases treated by different clinicians, all following very similar concepts for combined periodontal and vertical ridge augmentation using recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor-BB. All cases involved a severe periodontal defect requiring either extraction of the adjacent tooth or periodontal regeneration. Different bone grafts and membrane types were utilised. Although true periodontal regeneration cannot be said categorically to have occurred due to a lack of histological evidence, the clinical and radiographic findings suggest almost complete bone fill in all cases. This case series demonstrates that combined periodontal and vertical ridge augmentation using recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor-BB could be successful, but proper case selection and patient preparation for the possibility of multiple surgical procedures are recommended. Conflict-of-interest statement: At the time of preparing this manuscript, Dr Saleh was a clinical advisor for Lynch Biologics, Franklin, TN, USA. The other authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest relating to this study.