Teaching is the primary way children learn about the world.However, successful learning involves recognizing when teaching is ineffective, even in the absence of overt cues, and divesting from ineffective teaching to explore novel solutions.Across three experiments, we investigated 7-to 10-year-old children's ability to recognize ineffective teaching; we tested the hypothesis that girls may be less likely than boys to divest by exploring new solutions, given documented gender differences in socialization toward conformity and obedience.Overall, we demonstrate that children independently tested taught solutions, and upon learning the solutions were ineffective, rationally traded-off between instruction and exploration.Simultaneously, gender differences in divestment emerged.On average, girls demonstrated greater persistence in applying the taught solution, while boys tended to explore their own ideas, leading to differences in solving and learning.Importantly, these differences were observable across both masculineand feminine-stereotyped tasks.These results have important implications for children's learning and the development of leadership.