The artificial intelligence is an inevitable breakthrough direction, and the privacy protection of images in the artificial intelligence environment has become a hotspot. An image encryption algorithm that can be applied in the AI-based work combining compression sensing with Rabinovich hyperchaos is proposed. Firstly, the plaintext image will be transformed into a sparse form by DWT transform. With the improved hyperchaotic sequence, the double reset mechanism of the bit plane and the encryption engine function are designed to perform circular diffusion operation. Finally, the combined random Gaussian measurement matrix will perform compressed sensing sampling on the encrypted image. Simulation experiments show that the encryption algorithm can pass the plaintext sensitivity test (with the NPCR of 0.9978 and the UACI of 0.3337), the correlation test (with the best result of −0.0021), and the information entropy test (with the result of 7.9987), which shows high security to resist several types of attacks.