Evaluation of the thermal neutron sensitivity, output linearity, and gamma-ray response of optical fiber-based neutron detectors using Li-glass scintillator
An optical fiber-based neutron detector can be used as a real-time neutron monitor for an intense neutron field. In this study, optical fiber-based neutron detectors were fabricated using Li-glass scintillator. The thermal neutron sensitivity, upper limit of the output linearity, and response to gamma rays from 60Co and Cd were evaluated. The thermal neutron sensitivity was proportional to the mass of the Li-glass scintillator, and the calibration factor was 2.06 × 10−6 and 3.18 × 10−6 cps/(n/cm 2/s)/μg for the lower-level discrimination of the peak and valley channel, respectively. The detector output linearity was confirmed to be up to nearly 2 Mcps. While evaluating the response to gamma rays, for both 60Co and Cd, the gamma-ray counting rate was found to be smaller than the uncertainty associated with counting statistics in most expected applications where the neutron counting rate was >1 kcps.