Learning temporal patterns in time series remains a challenging task up until today. Particularly for anomaly detection in time series, it is essential to learn the underlying structure of a system’s normal behavior. Periodic or quasiperiodic signals with complex temporal patterns make the problem even more challenging: Anomalies may be a hard-to-detect deviation from the normal recurring pattern. In this paper, we present TCN-AE, a temporal convolutional network autoencoder based on dilated convolutions. Contrary to many other anomaly detection algorithms, TCN-AE is trained in an unsupervised manner. The algorithm demonstrates its efficacy on a comprehensive real-world anomaly benchmark comprising electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings of patients with cardiac arrhythmia. TCN-AE significantly outperforms several other unsupervised state-of-the-art anomaly detection algorithms. Moreover, we investigate the contribution of the individual enhancements and show that each new ingredient improves the overall performance on the investigated benchmark.