Electroencephalography (EEG) signals are commonly used to identify and diagnose brain disorders. Each EEG normal waveform consists of the following waveforms: Gamma(γ) wave, Beta (β) wave, Alpha (α), Theta (θ), and Delta (δ). The term Neurological Diseases ” NurDis ” is used to describe a variety of conditions that affect the nervous Epilepsy, neuro infections (bacterial and viral), brain tumors, cerebrovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, and various dementias are all examples of neurological disorders. Encephalitis is one of the illnesses that affects the brain. The EEG signals used in this paper were from the CHB-MIT Scalp EEG database. The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) was utilized to extract characteristics from the filtered EEG data. Finally, classifiers such as K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Support vector machine (SVM) were used to categorize the EEG signals into normal and pathological signal classes using all of the computed characteristics. In order to categorize the signal in a normal and anomalous group, the KNN and SVM classifiers are employed. For both classifiers, performance assessments (accuracy, sensitivity and specificity) are determined. KNN classifier accuracy is 71.88%, whereas SVM classifier accuracy is 81.23%. The sensitivity of KNN and SVM are 80.14% and 77.31%, respectively. The KNN classification specificity is 69.62% and the SVM classification specificity is 98%. Both classifiers performance is evaluated using the confusion matrix.