Introduction Part I: Understanding performance management 1. Introduction: the evolution of performance management The evolution of performance management 2. Theoretical perspectives on managing performance What is organizational performance? The HRM context of performance management Other influences on the evolution of performance management 3. Performance development versus performance measurement The business benefit perspective on HR practice The performance development/measurement framework Codification of experience -- testing the framework Part II: Evidence from fieldwork and redrawing the performance management map 4. Line manager survey Design and sample for line manager survey Line manager responses to the survey Conclusions from the line manager survey 5. Deepening our understanding through mini case-studies of practice Three contextual themes Five dominant themes around performance management Summary 6. Redrawing the performance management map Redefining performance management realities The antecedents for current performance management realities 7. The secrets of the world's most admired companies - how they implement performance management Key success factors Summary Part III: Managing and measuring performance: a guide to implementing a balanced approach 8. Understanding the foundations of integrated performance management The performance management cycle Designing integrated performance management Performance management building blocks 9. Organizational story: integrated performance management at Motorola Description of performance management at Motorola Linking talent management to performance management 10. Planning performance and measurement-based approaches Linking the strategy to what people do Measures and measurement-based approaches Trying to balance measurement and development approaches 11. Organizational story: measuring capability at BAT The leadership pipeline at BAT Measuring performance 12. Organizational story: measurement using a balanced scorecard at Lloyds TSB The introduction of the balanced scorecard at Lloyds TSB The performance management process at Lloyds TSB Managing performance versus measuring performance The speed of cultural change 13. Managing performance and development-based approaches How performance management links to development planning Understanding the manager's impact on organizational climate The impact of climate on performance The impact of leadership styles The management capability required to balance development and measurement approaches 14. Organizational story: a focus on development at Belron Climate and leadership styles measurement at Belron The Belron performance management process Development as a KPI (key performance indicator) 15. Organizational story: team-based performance management at the Irish Health Service What is team-based performance management? Key principles of the Irish Health Service scheme The team-based performance management process The key benefits achieved What has been missing? 16. Reviewing and rewarding performance The links between performance review and performance reward -- background The psychology of a good review The nature and implications of performance rating Trust and the links to pay What are organizations paying for -- and with what? The total reward dimension 17. Organizational story: rewarding development 18. Organizational story: paying for contribution within the UK Senior Civil Service The performance management process for the SCS Separating the reward element from performance management 19. Future directions and conclusions Performance measurement: future directions Performance development: future directions Conclusions