With exogenous nitrogen (N) input into soil, phosphorus (P) could become a limiting nutrient for plant growth. Soil microbes play a crucial role in regulating soil P cycle and availability. P functional genes, further, regulate soil P availability. It is unclear how the addition of N in different chemical forms and rates influences the composition of soil microbes associated with P cycling and the abundance of P functional genes. A long-term experiment of N addition in three chemical forms with two levels in a temperate forest was performed to reveal the influences and the underlying mechanisms. We found that both chemical N forms and N rates selected for different P-solubilizing microbes. Ammonia form-N increased the abundances of P-solubilizing bacteria at low and high rates. Continuous N deposition included a significant decrease in soil pH and inhibited the viability and activity of bacterial communities in soil, especially the P-solubilizing bacteria. Thus, it restricted inorganic P mobilization and led to a decrease in soil available P. In addition, ammonium-N enhanced the relative abundance of most of the functional genes related to organic P mineralization, while nitrate-N presented a decrease trend. Ammonium-N significantly decreased most of the functional genes relevant to P transportation, whereas the other chemical N forms did not change them. Although N-addition consistently decreased the functional genes relevant to inorganic P solubilization, two of them (ppx and ppa) were the exceptions and showed an increase trend. N addition also decreased soil pH and altered soil properties, and indirectly contributed to the changes in community composition of P-solubilizing microbes and the abundances of multiple P functional genes. Our results provide a mechanistic explanation for the regulation of microbes on N-induced available P limitation via tuning the compositions of P-solubilizing microbes and the abundances of multiple P functional genes.