The evolution of jaws has played a major role in the success of vertebrate expansion into a wide variety of ecological niches. A fundamental, yet unresolved, question in craniofacial biology is about the origin of the premaxilla, the most distal bone present in the upper jaw of all amniotes. Recent reports have suggested that the mammalian premaxilla is derived from embryonic maxillary prominences rather than the frontonasal ectomesenchyme as previously shown in studies of chicken embryos. However, whether mammalian embryonic frontonasal ectomesenchyme contributes to the premaxillary bone has not been investigated and a tool to trace the contributions of the frontonasal ectomesenchyme to facial structures in mammals is lacking. The expression of the Alx3 gene is activated highly specifically in the frontonasal ectomesenchyme, but not in the maxillary mesenchyme, from the beginning of facial morphogenesis in mice. Here, we report the generation and characterization of a novel Alx3CreERT2 knock-in mouse line that express tamoxifen-inducible Cre DNA recombinase from the Alx3 locus. Tamoxifen treatment of Alx3CreERT2/+;Rosa26mTmG/+ embryos at E7.5, E8.5, E9.5, and E10.5, each induced specific labeling of the embryonic medial nasal and lateral nasal mesenchyme but not the maxillary mesenchyme. Lineage tracing of Alx3CreERT2-labeled frontonasal mesenchyme from E9.5 to E16.5 clearly showed that the frontonasal mesenchyme cells give rise to the osteoblasts generating the premaxillary bone. Furthermore, we characterize a Dlx1-Cre BAC transgenic mouse line that expresses Cre activity in the embryonic maxillary but not the frontonasal mesenchyme and show that the Dlx1-Cre labeled embryonic maxillary mesenchyme cells contribute to the maxillary bone as well as the soft tissues lateral to both the premaxillary and maxillary bones but not to the premaxillary bone. These results clearly demonstrate the developmental origin of the premaxillary bone from embryonic frontonasal ectomesenchyme cells in mice and confirm the evolutionary homology of the premaxilla across amniotes.