While the significance of obtaining restful sleep at night and maintaining daytime alertness is well recognized for human performance and overall well-being, substantial variations exist in the development of sleepiness during diurnal waking periods. Despite the established roles of the hypothalamus and striatum in sleep-wake regulation, the specific contributions of this neural circuit in regulating individual sleep homeostasis remain elusive. This study utilized resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and mathematical modeling to investigate the role of hypothalamus-striatum connectivity in subjective sleepiness variation in a cohort of 71 healthy adults under strictly controlled in-laboratory conditions. Mathematical modeling results revealed remarkable individual differences in subjective sleepiness accumulation patterns measured by the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS). Brain imaging data demonstrated that morning hypothalamic connectivity to the dorsal striatum significantly predicts the individual accumulation of subjective sleepiness from morning to evening, while no such correlation was observed for the hypothalamus-ventral striatum connectivity. These findings underscore the distinct roles of hypothalamic connectivity to the dorsal and ventral striatum in individual sleep homeostasis, suggesting that hypothalamus-dorsal striatum circuit may be a promising target for interventions mitigating excessive sleepiness and promoting alertness.