Titanium matrix nanocomposites (TMNCs) with quasi-continuously distributed Ti5Si3 reinforcements exhibit high material strength, good thermal stability, great tribological properties, and high fracture toughness. However, fabrication of such TMNCs via advanced additive manufacturing (AM) techniques has rarely been realized due to the presence of AM-induced large columnar grains and the cracking issue associated with the reinforcement coarsening. Here, we report a nanoparticle-mediated approach to in-situ fabricate nano-Ti5Si3 reinforced TMNC coatings by selective laser melting (SLM) of Ti powders and minor amount of SiC nanoparticles. Results showed that with the optimized SiC amount and SLM processing parameters, a crack-free and ultrahigh-strength TMNC consisted of near-equiaxed grain structure and nano-scale Ti5Si3 network at the grain boundaries was successfully produced. The optimized TMNC showed an ultrahigh surface microhardness of 706 VHN, 51.5% higher than that of SLM-fabricated SiC-free sample (466 VHN). Spherical nanoindentation results showed that the effective indentation modulus and indentation yield strength were improved by 62.6% and 57.2%, respectively. A more pronounced strain hardening phenomenon was also observed in the optimized TMNC. The dry sliding tests revealed that the wear rate was reduced by 70%, and the wear mechanism transferred from abrasion to adhesion.