Gracieth C. Batista,Carl‐Mikael Zetterling,Johnny Öberg,Osamu Saotome
There is extensive use of nondestructive test (NDT) inspections on aircraft, and many techniques nowadays exist to inspect failures and cracks in their structures. Moreover, NDT inspections are part of a more general structural health monitoring (SHM) system, where cutting-edge technologies are needed as powerful resources to achieve high performance. The high-performance aspects of SHM systems are response time, power consumption, and usability, which are difficult to achieve because of the system's complexity. Then, it is even more challenging to develop a real-time low-power SHM system. Today, the ideal process is for structural health information extraction to be completed on the flight; however, the defects and damage are quantitatively made offline and on the ground, and sometimes, the respective procedure test is applied later on the ground, after the flight. For this reason, the present paper introduces an FPGA-based intelligent SHM system that processes Lamb wave signals using piezoelectric sensors to detect, classify, and locate damage in composite structures. The system employs machine learning (ML), specifically support vector machines (SVM), to classify damage while addressing outlier challenges with the Mahalanobis distance during the classification phase. To process the complex Lamb wave signals, the system incorporates well-known signal processing (DSP) techniques, including power spectrum density (PSD), wavelet transform, and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), for noise reduction, feature extraction, and data compression. These techniques enable the system to handle material anisotropy and mitigate the effects of edge reflections and mode conversions. Damage is quantitatively evaluated with classification accuracies of 96.25% for internal defects and 97.5% for external defects, with localization achieved by associating receiver positions with damage occurrence. This robust system is validated through experiments and demonstrates its potential for real-time applications in aerospace composite structures, addressing challenges related to material complexity, outliers, and scalable hardware implementation for larger sensor networks.