Abstract Given the global environmental issues, mindful leadership could be a new approach to help employees and organizations keep their inner capabilities of mindfulness and resilience in facing uncertainty and complexity. Building on social information processing theory, the present study theorized and tested the effect of mindful leadership on employee green behavior. Among the links proposed, green organizational identity and green self‐efficacy were utilized as mediating roles, and green human resource management (GHRM) was regarded as a moderator. A total of 291 sample data were collected from Southwestern China, and the research hypotheses were examined by a structural equation model. Results confirm the significant indirect effect between mindful leadership and employee green behavior through the mediating roles of green organizational identity and green self‐efficacy. GHRM moderates the relationship between mindful leadership and employee green organizational identity, green self‐efficacy, and green behavior. Results provide a new perspective on employees' green outcomes and provide practical significance for improving organizational environmental sustainability.