Quantitative understanding of the chemisorption on single-atom catalysts (SACs) by their electronic properties is crucial for the catalyst design. However, the physical mechanism is still under debate. Here, the CO catalytic oxidation on single transition metal (i.e., Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) dopants is used as a theoretical model to explore the correlations between the characteristics of electronic structures and the chemisorption on SACs. For these metal dopants, their atomic d orbitals form several nondegenerate and localized electronic states that are found to be selectively coupled with the π* orbital of the adsorbed O2, which we defined as selective orbital coupling. Based on the selective orbital coupling, we find that the alignment between the selected d state and the π* state determines the bond strength, regardless of the electron occupation number of the selected d states; the electron transfer to form M–O bonding can be provided by the support. Such electron transfer can be related with the electronic metal–support interaction. We attribute the origin of the chemisorption mechanism to the coexistence of the localized orbital of the single transition metal and the continuous energy band of the Au support. Finally, we illustrate how this mechanism dominates the variation trend of the reaction barriers. Our results unravel a fundamental adsorption mechanism in SAC systems.