Marcos Eliezeck,Itamar Couto Guedes de Jesus,Sérgio Scalzo,Bruno de Lima Sanches,Kaoma Stephani da Costa Silva,Mateus Conrad Barcellos da Costa,Thássio Mesquita,Cibele Rocha‐Resende,Raphael E. Szawka,Sílvia Guatimosim
Maturation involves a series of morphofunctional alterations vital to heart development. Its regulatory mechanisms are only now being unveiled. Evidence implies that adrenergic signaling regulates cardiac maturation, but the mechanisms are poorly understood. To address this point, we blocked β-ARs or performed sympathectomy followed by rescue experiments with isoproterenol in neonatal mice. Our study identifies the β-AR stimuli as a maturation signal for cardiomyocytes and highlights the importance of this pathway in cardiac regeneration therapies.