Traditional optical switches relying on the weak, volatile thermo-optic or electro-optic effects of Si or SiN waveguides show a high consumption and large footprint. In this paper, we reported an electric-driven phase change optical switch consisting of a Si waveguide, Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) thin film and graphene heater suitable for large-scale integration and high-speed switching. The reversible transition between the amorphous and crystalline states was achieved by applying two different voltage pulses of 1.4 V (SET) and 4 V (RESET). The optical performance of the proposed switch showed a high extinction ration of 44–46 dB in a wide spectral range (1525–1575 nm), an effective index variation of Δneff = 0.49 and a mode loss variation of Δα = 15 dB μm−1 at the wavelength of 1550 nm. In thermal simulations, thanks to the ultra-high thermal conductivity of graphene, the proposed switch showed that the consumption for the SET process was only 3.528 pJ with a 1.4 V pulse of 5 ns, while a 4 V pulse of 1.5 ns was needed for RESET process with a consumption of 1.05 nJ. Our work is helpful to analyze the thermal-conduction phase transition process of on-chip phase change optical switches, and the design of the low-energy-consumption switch is conducive to the integrated application of photonic chips.