In recent years, convolutional neural networks have achieved rapid development in the field of object detection. However, due to the imbalance of data, high costs in labor and uneven level of data labeling, the overall performance of the previous detection network has dropped sharply when dataset extended to the large-scale with hundreds and thousands of categories. The embedding of external semantic knowledge can bring new additional information to reduce the cost of annotation and improve the performance of large-scale detection. In this paper, the Adaptive Word Embedding Module is proposed to extract the adaptive semantic knowledge graph under the constraint of the semantic consistency. Our method endows the ability to infer global semantic of detection networks without other attribute or relationship annotations. Compared with Faster RCNN, the algorithm on the MSCOCO dataset was significantly improved by 4.1%, and the mAP value has reached 32.8%. On the VG 1000 dataset, it increased by 0.9% to 6.7% compared with Faster RCNN. Adaptive Word Embedding Module is lightweight, general-purpose and can be plugged into diverse detection networks. Code will be made available.