Abstract The plasmodial slime molds is the largest group in the phylum Amoebozoa. Its life cycle includes the plasmodial trophic stage and the spore‐bearing fruiting bodies. However, only a few species have their complete life cycle known in details so far. This study is the first reporting the morphogenesis of Didymium laxifilum and Physarum album . Spores, from field‐collected sporangia, were incubated into hanging drop cultures for viewing germination and axenic oat agar plates for viewing plasmodial development and sporulation. The spores of D. laxifilum and P. album germinated by method of V‐shape split and minute pore, respectively. The amoeboflagellates, released from spores, were observed in water film. The phaneroplasmodia of two species developed into a number of sporangia by subhypothallic type on oat agar culture. The main interspecific difference of morphogenesis was also discussed.