In optical communications systems, Shannon limit can be closely approached by properly chosen constellation shaping schemes. Both probabilistic shaping (PS) and geometric shaping(GS) can be applied to M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) to obtain the shaping gain. In this invited paper, mutual information (MI) is used as a metric to analyze the performances of regular/GS/PS-8/16QAM formats. In a linear amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise dominated system, our numerical results show that the MI performances of the GS-8/16QAM are better than that of regular 8/16QAM and PS-8/16QAM. Then we experimentally compare the performances of regular/GS/PS-16QAM formats over a 100km fiber transmission link. Our numerical and experimental results are very useful in selection of the optimal constellation shaping for a given optical communication system.