Molecular and Biochemical Analyses of a Novel Trifunctional Endoxylanase/Endoglucanase/Feruloyl Esterase from the Human Colonic Bacterium Bacteroides intestinalis DSM 17393
A novel enzyme Bi76 comprising GH10, E_set_Esterase_N, and CE1 modules was identified, with the highest homology (62.9%) with a bifunctional endoxylanase/feruloyl esterase among characterized enzymes. Interestingly, Bi76 hydrolyzed glucan substrates besides xylans and feruloylated substrates, suggesting that it is the first characterized trifunctional endoxylanase/endoglucanase/feruloyl esterase. Analyses of truncation variants revealed that GH10 and E_set_Esterase_N + CE1 modules encoded endoxylanase/endoglucanase and feruloyl esterase activities, respectively. Synergism analyses indicated that endoxylanase, α-l-arabinofuranosidase, and feruloyl esterase acted cooperatively in releasing ferulic acid (FA) and xylooligosaccharides from feruloylated arabinoxylan. The interdomain synergism of Bi76 overmatched the intermolecular synergism of TM1 and TM2. Importantly, Bi76 exhibited good capacity in producing FA, releasing 5.20, 4.38, 2.12, 1.35, 0.46, and 0.19 mg/g from corn bran, corn cob, wheat bran, corn stover, rice husk, and rice bran, respectively. This study expands the trifunctional endoxylanase/endoglucanase/feruloyl esterase repertoire and demonstrates the great potential of Bi76 in agricultural residue utilization.