Abstract Carrot slices of 3.5 mm thickness were dried in a laboratory microwave vacuum dryer at five different microwave power density levels of 2, 4.66, 7.33, 10, and 12.66 W/g and at three vacuum chamber pressure levels of 6.66, 19.98, and 33.3 kPa to 4–6% d.b. moisture content. Inside the dryer the sample holding plate was rotated with the speed of 4 rpm for uniform microwaves application. The drying rates were increased with the increase in microwave power density at all pressure levels and the Page model was found to be the most suitable model to predict the drying behavior of carrot slices at all process conditions. The Page model drying rate constant (k, min−1) showed high correlation with microwave power density at constant pressure by a power law equation and showed a logarithmic relationship with the microwave power density and pressure. Similar to the drying rate constant, the average moisture diffusivity at constant pressure was found to be function of microwave power density by power law equation as well as was also dependent on the power density and pressure by a logarithmic relationship. Keywords: Apparent diffusivityFiber-optic sensorsPage model ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are thankful to the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, government of India, and All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) for their financial support of this research work.