Coordination-driven metallo-supramolecular assemblies are potentially efficient catalysts in photocatalytic CO2 reduction. However, the relationship between morphology and photocatalytic performance remains barely explored. In this work, three metallo-supramolecular assemblies composed of Zn2+ and a flexible tris(terpyridine) ligand have been prepared for noble metal-free CO2 photoreduction on the basis of metal–ligand coordination, hydrogen bonding, and π–π stacking. The three assemblies possess distinct self-assembled morphologies including spherical particle, fibrous-like gel, and microrod. It has been found that the fibrous-like gel exhibits the best catalytic performance in photoreduction of CO2 to CO with a yield of 6.3 mmol g–1 h–1 and 94.7% selectivity over H2 generation. Photoelectrochemical measurements, photoluminescence quenching experiments, and UV–vis absorption spectroscopy studies have demonstrated that the ligand-based electron transfer of the gel is more efficient compared with the other two assemblies.