Arias intensity is an essential ground motion measure correlating with the potential for earthquake-induced landslides. The Sichuan–Yunnan region, which is primarily mountainous, is a high incidence region of earthquake-induced landslides in China. However, there is no available attenuation relationship for this intensity measure due to the backward construction of the stations. In this study, we developed a region-specific Arias intensity attenuation relationship using the China Strong-Motion Networks Center (CSMNC) database which was established in 2008. We recommend this relationship be applied in the Sichuan–Yunnan region for moment magnitudes ranging between 4.2 and 7.0, distances ranging between 0 and 300 km and with Vs30 (the average shear-wave velocity in the upper 30 m of a soil profile) ranging between 128 and 760 m/s. The current study finds that this relationship’s intra-event, inter-event, and total standard deviations are greater than for other regions. This is likely caused by the complicated seismotectonic activities, nonlinear site effects, error from inferring Vs30, basin effects, etc. However, this relationship has the best performance in fitting and predicting the data from the Sichuan–Yunnan region.