Versican is a large chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan in the extracellular matrix. It plays a pivotal role in the formation of the provisional matrix. S100a4, previously known as fibroblast-specific protein, functions as a calcium channel-binding protein. To investigate the role of versican expressed in fibroblasts, we generated conditional knockout mice in which versican expression is deleted in cells expressing S100a4. We found that S100a4 is expressed in adipose tissues, and these mice exhibit obesity under a normal diet, which becomes apparent as early as five months. The white adipose tissues of these mice exhibited decreased expression levels of S100a4 and versican and hypertrophy of adipocytes. qRT-PCR showed a reduced level of UCP1 in their white adipose tissues, indicating that the basic energy metabolism is diminished. These results suggest that versican in adipose tissues maintains the homeostasis of adipose tissues and regulates energy metabolism.