Due to children's limited cognitive ability, children's patients often suffer from fear and anxiety during treatment, which leads to resistance to medical treatment, and parents don't know how to comfort their children, so the tension between doctors and patients in children's hospitals has always been a thorny issue. Shanghai Children's Medical Centre (SCMC), one of the best children's medical institutions in Shanghai, was the first to set the goal of becoming a "no-cry children's hospital", and since 2014, the School of Design and Creativity in Tongji University has been establishing a design-driven collaboration with SCMC, aiming to improve children's healthcare services and experience. Hospitals are a systemic problem, made up of different roles, and different environments, and essentially a communication problem in connecting doctors, parents, and children. This paper is based on Richard Buchanan's Definitions of system: The four modes of definitions of system: set, arrangement, group, and condition, of which set, and arrangement belong to the design thinking mode of problem-solving, which is also usually the way designers think about problems, but this design mode is not a good solution to the problem of communication between children, parents, and hospitals. This paper favors the thinking mode of CONDITION, which is the harmonious and orderly interaction of the whole, without the smallest part, close to the process of seeking truth, a mode of Assimilation, the process of mutual understanding and communication through natural life and extending to the social group. IP is such a bridge that it can communicate across media and at the same time assimilate each medium into a systematic ecology for its use. Through the children's healthcare IP to solve the communication problem, to build a new concern of the three, so that people with different identities can be placed in it and understand each other. Through researching 123 doctors and 121 families with children, we produced the "Courageous Planet" medical IP brand design based on children's physiological and psychological characteristics and research in the medical field and then verified it to produce a business strategy model. The "Planet Courage" medical IP design aims to help doctors, parents, and children deliver messages and build emotional ties more effectively in the relatively special setting of a children's hospital through the introduction of IP images. The name "Planet Courage" is centered on the word "courage", hoping that every child is a little warrior who is brave enough to face up to illness and grow up healthy and happy.