Abstract Social changes in late modernity have implications for the ways in which variation in Icelandic language use comes to be associated with different modes of communication, and for the labelling of forms in terms of “correctness” or “purity”. While a conception of “standard” still seems to prevail, there is continual transition as regards which particular linguistic traits and practices serve as manifestations of “standard language use”. A diachronic look at official language policies shows a gradual shift away from an ideal of preserving the traditional forms of Icelandic. A change took place around the turn of the millennium, with increased focus on domains of language use and the status of Icelandic as the national language. Currently, language-political discourses yet again suggest a broadened focus so that “the language” is being complemented by “the speakers” with an emphasis on human rights. Conflicts have emerged between the well-established “language-oriented” prescriptive practices, and the more recent “speaker-oriented” language planning efforts. But still the role of Icelandic as a national language and historical treasure seems to prevail, and in both camps, there are concerns that foreign languages pose a threat to Icelandic.