A generative CAD based design exploration method is proposed. It is suitable for complex multi-criteria design problems where important performance criteria are uncomputable. The method is based on building a genotype of the design within a history based parametric CAD system and then, varying its parameters randomly within pre-defined limits to generate a set of distinctive designs. The generated designs are then filtered through various constraint envelopes representing geometric viability, manufacturability, cost and other performance related constraints, thus reducing the vast design space into a smaller viable design space represented by a set of distinctive designs. These designs may then be further developed by the designer. The proposed generative design method makes minimal imposition on the designer's work process and maintains both flexibility and fluidity that is required for creative design exploration. Its ability to work seamlessly with current CAD based design practices from early conceptual to detailed design is demonstrated. The design philosophy behind this generative method and the key steps involved in its implementation are presented with examples.