Both consumer and expert panels have been used to perform Temporal Check-All-That-Apply (TCATA) descriptive analysis, but it is not clear if they both provide the same product insights. Furthermore, most sensory testing takes place on one or two sips of a beverage which is not representative of actual consumer experience which occurs over multiple sips. This research aimed to determine if data from consumer and expert TCATA panels for the same products are interchangeable, and to investigate if extending TCATA to multiple sips provides additional insights into the dynamics of the consumption experience. Three milkshakes were assessed by an expert panel (n = 9) and 104 consumers where both panels evaluating eight sips of each milkshake using TCATA for eight attributes. Temporal discrimination of sensory attributes across samples was analysed on selected time slices, across sips using generalised linear model (GLM) Analysis of Deviance (ANODE) (R 4.0.0 (R Core Team, 2020)). The expert panel were more sensitive to attribute differences enabling them to discriminate products on more, but notably different attributes to the consumer panel. Multiple-sip data revealed significant changing dynamics in the perception of several attributes over and within sips, highlighting that single-sip studies do not reflect typical consumption experiences and that multiple-sip evaluations should be more widely applied to understand the consumer product experience. Sensory dynamics also varied significantly by panel type. Clearly consumer and expert TCATA panels are not interchangeable and choice of panel type should be determined in accordance with project objectives. It was also observed that many effects were attribute and product specific indicating findings cannot be generalised across products and further research on other products is needed.