PV power output prediction from sky images using convolutional neural network: The comparison of sky-condition-specific sub-models and an end-to-end model
Photovoltaics (PV), the primary use of solar energy, is growing rapidly. However, the variable output of PV under changing weather conditions may hinder the large-scale deployment of PV. In this study, we propose a two-stage classification-prediction framework to predict contemporaneous PV power output from sky images (a so-called “nowcast”), and compare it with an end-to-end convolution neural network (CNN). The proposed framework first classifies input images into different sky conditions and then the classified images are sent to specific sub-models for PV output prediction. Two types of classifiers are developed and compared: (1) a CNN-based classifier trained on clear sky index (CSI)-labeled sky images and (2) a physics-based non-parametric classifier based on a threshold of fractional cloudiness of sky images. Different numbers of classification categories are also examined. The results suggest that the cloudiness-based classifier is more suitable than the CSI-based classifier for the framework, and the 3-class classification (i.e., sunny, cloudy, overcast) is found to be the optimal choice. We then fine-tune the cloudiness threshold for the non-parametric classifier and tailor the architecture for each sky-condition-specific sub-model. Under the best design, the proposed framework can achieve a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 2.20 kW (relative to a 30 kW rated PV array) on the test set comprising 18 complete days (9 sunny, RMSE = 0.69 kW; 9 cloudy, RMSE = 3.06 kW). Compared with the end-to-end CNN baseline model, the overall prediction performance can be improved by 6% (7% in sunny and 6% in cloudy), with 6% fewer trainable parameters needed in the architecture.