Unlike classic spins, quantum magnets are spin systems that interact via the exchange interaction and exhibit collective quantum behaviours, such as fractional excitations. Molecular magnetism often stems from d/f-transition metals, but their spin–orbit coupling and crystal field induce a significant magnetic anisotropy, breaking the rotation symmetry of quantum spins. Thus, it is of great importance to build quantum nanomagnets in metal-free systems. Here we have synthesized individual quantum nanomagnets based on metal-free multi-porphyrin systems. Covalent chains of two to five porphyrins were first prepared on Au(111) under ultrahigh vacuum, and hydrogen atoms were then removed from selected carbons using the tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope. The conversion of specific porphyrin units to their radical or biradical state enabled the tuning of intra- and inter-porphyrin magnetic coupling. Characterization of the collective magnetic properties of the resulting chains showed that the constructed S = 1/2 antiferromagnets display a gapped excitation, whereas the S = 1 antiferromagnets exhibit distinct end states between even- and odd-numbered spin chains, consistent with Heisenberg model calculations.