Short-range order can be developed in multi-principal element alloys and influences the point defect behavior due to the large variation of the local chemical environment. The effect of short-range order on vacancy and interstitial formation energy and migration behavior was studied in body-centered cubic multi-principal element alloy NbZrTi by first-principles calculations. Two short-range order structures created by density functional theory and Monte Carlo method at 500 and 800 K were compared with the structure of random solid solution. Both vacancy and interstitial formation energies increase with the degree of short-range order. Point defect formation energies tend to be higher in regions enriched in Nb and lower in regions enriched in Zr and Ti. Both vacancies and interstitials prefer to migrate toward Zr,Ti-rich regions and away from Nb-rich regions, suggesting that Zr,Ti-rich regions can potentially act as recombination centers for point defect annihilation. Compared to an ideal random solid solution, the short-range order increases the spatial inhomogeneity of point defect energy landscape. Tuning the degree of short-range order by different processing techniques can be a viable strategy to optimize the point defect behavior to achieve enhanced radiation resistance in multi-principal element alloys.