Using antibodies against autophagic vacuole membrane proteins we identified a human cDNA with an open reading frame of 1848 bp, encoding a protein of 70 kDa, which we named lysosomal apyrase-like protein of 70 kDa (LALP70). Sequence analysis revealed that LALP70 belongs to the apyrase or GDA1/CD39 family and is almost identical to a human uridine diphosphatase, with the exception of nine extra amino acids in LALP70. Members of this family were originally described as ectoenzymes, with some intracellular exceptions. Transfected LALP70 fused to the green fluorescent protein localized in the cytoplasm with a punctate pattern in the perinuclear space. These structures colocalized with the autophagic marker monodansylcadaverine and the lysosomal protein lamp1. Hydrophobicity analysis of the encoded protein revealed a transmembrane region at the N and C termini. Most of the sequence is arranged between these transmembrane domains, and contains four apyrase conserved regions. In vitro transcription/translation in the presence of microsomes showed that no signal sequence is cleaved off and that the translation product is protected from trypsin treatment. Our data indicate that LALP70 is a type III lysosomal/autophagic vacuole membrane protein with the apyrase conserved regions facing the luminal space of the vacuoles.