The prosomeric model attributes morphological meaning to gene expression patterns and other data in the forebrain. It divides this territory into the same transverse segments (prosomeres) and longitudinal zones in all vertebrates. The axis and longitudinal zones of this model are widely accepted but controversy subsists about the number of prosomeres and their nature as segments. We describe difficulties encountered in establishing continuity between prosomeric limits postulated in the hypothalamus and intra-telencephalic limits. Such difficulties throw doubt on the intersegmental nature of these limits. We sketch a simplified model, in which the secondary prosencephalon (telencephalon plus hypothalamus) is a complex protosegment not subdivided into prosomeres, which exhibits patterning singularities. By contrast, we continue to postulate that prosomeres p1-p3 (i.e. the pretectum, thalamus and prethalamus) are the caudal forebrain.