The article studied the changes of active and nutritional ingredients of Pinellia Ternata ingested by a pheasant. In the process of field experiment, it was accidentally found that pheasants liked to feed on P. ternata bulbil. To understand the effects of pheasant feeding on P. ternata, an experiment was designed immediately after pheasant feeding. The results showed that the contents of alkaloid, β-sitosterol, Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity, soluble sugar, free amino acid, and soluble protein in aboveground bulbil and tubers of P. ternata were significantly increased by pheasant ingestion. The secondary metabolites (except for alkaloids) and nutrients in the underground bulbil of P. ternata were significantly decreased after pheasant ingestion. Comprehensive analysis showed that the active and nutritional components in tubers and bulbils of P. ternata were affected by pheasant ingestion.