Segmental aneuploidies (SAs) are structural imbalances, namely, gains or losses, involving a chromosomal segment. Most preimplantation genetic testing platforms can detect segmental imbalances greater than 5-10 Mb, either full or mosaic; however, questions remain about clinical significance. An in-depth review was performed to determine the accuracy, frequency, and types of SAs detected in preimplantation embryos. A comprehensive search of the literature revealed an incidence of approximately 8.15% in preimplantation embryos, compared with a prevalence of 3.55% in prenatal diagnosis samples. Several studies have used rebiopsy analysis to validate the accuracy and reproducibility of such findings in blastocyst-stage embryos. A comparison of these studies yielded a mean confirmation rate of SAs slightly higher than 30%. This result could be attributed to their mitotic origin as well as to the technical limitations of preimplantation genetic testing. In addition, the few available studies in which embryos with a segmental finding were transferred in utero are analyzed to discuss the reproductive competence of such embryos. Except for 1 study, all outcomes were described for segmental embryos in a mosaic state. As a result, there is still insufficient evidence to provide accurate information about the effect of segmental imbalances on embryonic reproductive competence and to determine gestational and newborn risks.