We have demonstrated the high-density formation of super-atom-like Si quantum dots with Ge-core on ultrathin SiO2 with control of high-selective chemical-vapor deposition and applied them to an active layer of light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Through luminescence measurements, we have reported characteristics carrier confinement and recombination properties in the Ge-core, reflecting the type II energy band discontinuity between the Si-clad and Ge-core. Additionally, under forward bias conditions over a threshold bias for LEDs, electroluminescence becomes observable at room temperature in the near-infrared region and is attributed to radiative recombination between quantized states in the Ge-core with a deep potential well for holes caused by electron/hole simultaneous injection from the gate and substrate, respectively. The results will lead to the development of Si-based light-emitting devices that are highly compatible with Si-ultra-large-scale integration processing, which has been believed to have extreme difficulty in realizing silicon photonics.