This study focused on the biomechanical properties and microstructural changes in dentin of teeth in different age groups after cryopreserved for different durations. Ninety third molars from three age groups (youth group, middle-age group, and elderly group), were collected and randomly divided into three groups according to freezing time at -196 °C (7 days, 30 days, and 90 days). Control group was shored at ordinary temperature. After rewarming, the compressive strength and elastic modulus of the dentin were measured with an electronic universal tester. Scanning electron microscopy was used to evaluate the microstructure of dentin after cryopreservation. After cryopreservation, the compressive strength of the teeth in each experimental group was not significantly different from control group. With the increase of freezing time and age, dentin's elastic modulus showed a decreasing trend. There were statistically significances between the control group and freezing 90d group, freezing 7d and 90d group, youth and middle-aged group, youth and elderly group (P < 0.05). Both freezing time and age factors were significant for the elastic modulus of dentin(P<0.05). There was no interaction effect for age and freezing time. In transverse sections of scanning electron microscopy, the dentinal tubule became narrower, partially occluded, and more easily adhered to impurities in the long freezing time and elderly group. In longitudinal sections, with freezing time and age, the inner wall of the dentinal tubules became rough especially in the aged group cryopreserved for 90 days. No significant microcracks exited in any of the longitudinal sections of dentin.