Background. The indication of living donor liver retransplantation (re-LDLT) for retransplant candidates with chronic allograft failure (CAF) is increasing because of the high mortality rate of patients on the waiting list. However, evidence supporting re-LDLT for CAF remains scarce because of technical difficulties. We aimed to examine the feasibility based on our significant case experience. Methods. A total of 95 retransplant cases (adult: 53, pediatric: 42) between 2000 and 2020 were retrospectively reviewed. Graft survival after re-LDLT and deceased donor liver retransplantation (re-DDLT) was compared among recipients with CAF and acute allograft failure (AAF). Results. Re-LDLTs for CAF were performed in 58 (61.1%) cases, re-DDLTs for CAF in 16 (16.8%) cases, re-LDLTs for AAF in 13 (13.7%) cases, and re-DDLTs for AAF in 8 (8.4%) cases. Re-DDLTs have become increasingly prevalent over time. Retransplantation for AAF results in lower graft survival than that for CAF in both adult and pediatric cases. All adult recipients who underwent re-LDLT for AAF died within 1 y after retransplantation. The 5-y graft survival between re-LDLT and re-DDLT for CAF was not significantly different (73.8% versus 75.0%, P = 0.84). Operation time and blood loss were not significantly different. Conclusions. The survival rate of re-LDLT for recipients with CAF is permissible. Re-LDLT may be another treatment option for recipients with CAF.