Ameloblastoma is a benign but locally invasive tumour. Early diagnosis of ameloblastoma and formulating an appropriate treatment plan play a crucial role in reducing the postoperative recurrence rate. The imaging features of ameloblastoma are similar to those of other odontogenic diseases; thus, the diagnosis of ameloblastoma remains challenging. This review summarises the diagnostic techniques used for the detection of ameloblastoma and the methods for differentiating it from other benign odontogenic tumours to aid in the clinical diagnosis. A comprehensive review was conducted by searching the database of PubMed for studies published up to May 2023. Panoramic radiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging have been used to detect ameloblastoma, whereas fine-needle aspiration cytology and biopsies have been used to enhance diagnostic precision and clinical diagnosis. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) and FDG positron emission tomography(PET) have been used to detect metastasis of ameloblastoma to determine the prognosis of the disease. Laboratory tests are more suitable for detecting genetic alterations and identifying certain markers. Different diagnostic techniques aid in differentiating ameloblastoma from other odontogenic diseases. Combining these techniques may increase the diagnostic accuracy in patients with suspected ameloblastoma.