With the development of the technology of phacoemulsification and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation, the calculation formula of IOL power has been optimized. The existing formulas are still not accurate enough for some special cases, such as patients with short or long axial length and previous corneal refractive surgery, because the calculation of IOL power is a nonlinear function, and these mathematical formulas based on an optical model can not show the nonlinear relationship well. Therefore, new IOL calculation formulas developed by using an artificial intelligence nonlinear mathematical model have come into being. This review demonstrates the development and application of new IOL calculation formulas, in order to provide guidance for improving the visual quality and clinical application of each calculation method in cataract patients.随着屈光性超声乳化白内障吸除人工晶状体(IOL)植入手术技术的不断发展,IOL屈光度数计算公式得到不断优化。现有的计算公式对于一些特殊白内障,如眼轴过短或过长、屈光手术后白内障患者,计算准确性依然不理想,这是因为IOL屈光度数计算为非线性函数,目前基于光学模型的数学公式不能很好地反映非线性关系。因此,采用人工智能非线性数学模型开发的新型IOL屈光度数计算公式应运而生。本文就新型IOL屈光度数计算公式的应用和发展进行综述,为提高白内障患者术后视觉质量及各公式临床应用提供参考。.