Abstract It is more difficult for a hot dry rock to form a fracture network system than shale due to its special lithology, physical and mechanical properties under high temperature. The essential characteristics, rock mechanics and in‐situ stress characteristics of a hot rock mass have been systematically studied by means of laboratory tests and true tri‐axial physical simulation. The fracture initiation and propagation characteristics under different geological and engineering conditions are physically simulated, and the main controlling factors for the formation of a complex fracture network are revealed. The technology of low displacement for enhancing thermal cracking, gel fluid for expanding fracture and variable displacement cyclic injection for increasing a fracture network has been applied in the field, and good results have been achieved. Micro‐seismic monitoring results demonstrate that complex fractures were formed in the field test, and the stimulation volume for heat exchanging reaches more than 3 million cubic meters. The research results play an important role in the stimulation technology of an enhanced geothermal system (EGS) and realize a breakthrough for power generation.